My Name is Kelly Royal and I’m a software development at fivestar*. I live in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Both on the job and off the job I love development and exploring and learning new languages and processes. When I’m not doing that, I love listening to and playing music, reading, video games, and the outdoors. In Sault Ste. Marie we have a beautiful state park nearby – Tahquamenon falls that we love to go and walk around. Oh! And I’m Glen’s neighbor, he lives about ¾ of a mile away from me – I’ve known him since college.
I heard you were hiring from Glen; we went to college together and have worked together for years. After looking around at the website, your clients, and seeing you were voted the best place to work in PA I was immediately intrigued and wanted to learn more. As a bonus, fivestar* uses a technology stack I’m familiar with and all of that combined with the opportunity to work with great people and a variety of different clients just seemed like it would be a super interesting experience.
Really I just can’t wait to get started working! The projects I know I’m going to be working on (Specifically, ARM) all look interesting and engaging.
Developing the actual web applications for clients, delivering the solutions that meet their needs.
Recently I’ve been focused on learning Haskell which is a very interesting language. Like I mentioned earlier, I love reading, video games, music – pretty much all genres (primarily heavy metal), and getting out in nature. Before the pandemic I was consistently growing my classic video game collection but sadly prices have skyrocketed so I’ve had to slow down a bit for now.
I’m a big fan of unconventional covers of songs, some of my favorites are from the bluegrass group “Slaughter of Bluegrass” who do bluegrass covers of heavy metal songs.