The Solution
The unique advantage of is its core data-model that leverages the ARM competency framework and connects it to all assets tracked in the site including jobs, programs, and the actual end-users/seekers. The competency framework provides a forum through the site where meaningful connections can be made on behalf of organizations and individuals seeking opportunities. These connections are based on interests, preferences, needs, goals, and experiences that help the system determine optimal pathways for individuals that include knowledge development, certifications, and jobs. The core model that drives the site considers current needs versus long-term goals of individual seekers and competency gaps in the marketplace. The site uses automated tools to help find better matches based on multi-level criteria including the competency framework and delivers a summary of gaps with recommendations and guidance to help reduce the impact of those gaps in candidate selection – especially in hard-to-fill positions. The ARM Endorsement Program is managed through and recognizes the nation’s most effective training programs and guides students to programs that have been vetted by subject matter experts. provides ARM staff have several analysis and reporting options from their dashboards, including pre-defined reports, ad hoc querying, and data visualizations, exportable to Excel. Ad hoc querying and data visualization is done through an integration with Microsoft’s PowerBI tool.